Clubs and Organizations at Connelly |
Alumnae Ambasadors
Students get many opportunities to take a break from the books. Connelly, Rosary and Servite students have a choice of many dances to attend. Included are the Tri-School Welcome Back Dance, Tri-School Homecoming Dance, the Winter Formal, Sadie Hawkins Dance, the Tri-School Prom (11th & 12th graders) and the Tri-School Underclass Prom (9th & 10th graders). Of all the dances to choose from, there is one special evening set aside just for our students-Connelly's own Father/Daughter Dance.
YEARBOOK - Challenge
The Cornelia Connelly yearbook, Challenge, is produced by a staff of 10-15 students in a course that meets after school on Mondays and Fridays for 100 minutes each session, but also requires work outside of class time. The course, which merits a full year of English elective credit, exposes students to the materials, techniques, and vocabulary of the graphics arts and desktop publishing fields. Guided by a faculty adviser, the students on the yearbook staff select the theme, design the layouts, and take photographs to produce a quality yearbook, using Adobe PageMaker and PhotoShop programs to produce a professional-looking finished product. In addition to producing the yearbook, students have homework assignments and are tested regularly on knowledge of basic photography, copy writing and editing, layout design, necessary journalism and photography terminology, and computer skills. Student selection to the staff is based on previous art and/or journalism experience, writing ability, typing and computer skills, enthusiasm-and the ability to work diligently to complete assignments. The application process occurs in spring prior to course registration; all grade levels are welcome to apply. Attendance at the Walsworth Summer Yearbook West Workshop held at Chapman University is required for editors and continuing staffers and highly recommended for new members.
Directed by the Admissions Office, the Connelly Ambassadors visit schools to present information about Connelly. They also make visitors to Connelly feel welcome by giving tours and serving as guides. The Connelly Ambassadors represent the Koala Spirit to the outside world.
Garden Guardians select a garden bed to nurture and maintain throughout the school year to further beautify the campus.
Members of GAA support Connelly athletics and promote school spirit on campus. Activities sponsored by GAA include Spirit Week, 8th Grade Volleyball Tournament and the Athletic Awards Dinner. Active GAA members can earn letter sweaters/jackets based on game attendance and/or sports participation. GAA strives to serve the school community and to encourage all students to show their spirit both on and off the playing field.
Hearts in Hands was founded in 1997 in the hopes of embarking on a mission of Service. The club provides various community service opportunities to the school and encourages everyone to join. They serve our community by opening their hearts and lending their hands.
A national organization, JSA's purpose is to acquaint young people with all aspects of contemporary American Government and to prepare them to become politically active adults. Participation in Connelly's chapter of JSA involves campaigning, office visits at the local, regional, and state levels, and debates on current national and international issues. Twice yearly JSA sponsors overnight weekend conventions where all its local high school constituencies gather.
The Literary Journal staff solicits, selects, edits and publishes Connelly's annual literary journal. This journal publishes nonfiction, fiction, poetry, and art with timely thought-provoking images and themes of interest to the Connelly community of readers.
Membership Requirements:
Membership in the NHS is a faculty-awarded honor based on a clear and consistent pattern of exemplary character, service, leadership, and academic performance. All 10th through 12th grade students who have been at Connelly for at least one semester are eligible. In the spring of each year, the NHS faculty council votes for the students who demonstrate the following qualities:
A cumulative GPA of 3.3 or above.
The consistent demonstration of integrity, maturity, and behavior in accordance with Christian ideals.
Actively holding offices in school, church, or community organizations as well as demonstrating leadership outside of elected positions.
Valuable contributions to the school, church or community through volunteer work. All faculty members will evaluate eligible students in the areas of Character, Leadership and Service. A five-member faculty selection committee will then review applications. Those who receive a majority of votes from this committee are inducted into the NHS.
The students belonging to NHS provide a free tutorial program in all subject areas for Connelly students and also sponsor the Koala Bowl, an academic tournament for sixth, seventh and eighth graders.
In order to qualify for membership, a student must earn ten CSF points per semester. Any student who receives a grade lower than a "C" is ineligible for membership. (Refer to pages 13 and 14 in the Curriculum Guide.)
All students from Connelly, Rosary and Servite High Schools are invited to become members of the award winning Servite Mighty Friar Band and Color Guard. The Band and Color Guard brings together students from the three schools and competes and performs throughout the year at various events such as field show competitions, Servite Football games, concerts and festivals.
Students will receive Fine Art credit.
For additional information call Servite High School (714) 774-7575 ext. 1177 or [email protected]
The Student Council is the governing board of the student body. Members are elected each spring (ninth grade officers in the fall) according to guidelines established in the Council Constitution. As leaders, each officer seeks to live out the philosophy of the School, bolster school spirit, organize and promote school events and traditions, and act as a liaison among students, faculty, and administration. Student Council officers are also enrolled in the Student Government class and receive a grade for each semester.
Shannon Cooper - Cheer Coach
Jamiee Fletcher - JV/Song-Leading Dance Coach
The primary role of a cheerleader and song-leading dancer is to promote school spirit and a positive atmosphere on campus by fostering good relations among the students, both in the classroom and on the field. A unified spirit in the community is promoted through: cheering at sporting events, pep-rallies, spirit week, and Back-to-School Orientation. Together with Rosary High School, Connelly Cheerleaders and Song-Leading Dancers can also perform at Servite football games in order to promote unity and spirit within the Tri-School Community. A Connelly Cheerleader and Song-Leading Dancer must maintain a GPA of at least 2.0 and must be in good disciplinary and academic standing.
Cheerleading and Song-Leading Dance tryouts are held in April for the following school year. The Connelly High Cheer Squad is comprised of 9th-12th graders. Cheerleaders perform at Connelly's team games and also at Servite High School football and basketball games. Every August, cheerleaders attend Cheer Camp, which is organized by the United Spirit Association.
The Connelly Mock Trial team competes in the Orange County Schools' Mock Trial Competition. In simulated courtroom sessions, students portray each of the principals in the cast of courtroom characters. The team studies a hypothetical case, conducts legal research, and receives guidance from volunteer attorneys in courtroom procedure, trial preparation, and presentation.
SOCIEDAD HONORARIA (Spanish National Honor Society)
Students of the Spanish Honor Society are elected to membership based on their high achievement in Spanish courses and their commitment to promote the Hispanic culture to the school community. Members of the Society have many opportunities to serve and participate in activities that will create a lasting enthusiasm for the Spanish language and the Hispanic culture. All members enrolled in a Spanish course are eligible to apply for scholarships and enter writing contests offered by the Society.
The French Club is open to any student enrolled in French. The goal of the French club is to encourage cultural awareness and appreciation as well as to aid in the study of the French language. The French club is an opportunity for interested student to meet outside the classroom to extend their appreciation of the French culture through activities and field trips.
The French National Honor Society is a national organization composed of students who excel in the study of French. The French Honor Society is a part of the French club. Students are eligible for induction after three semesters of French. To be eligible a student must have at least an A- average for all French courses and, at least a 3.5 overall GPA in all other subjects. Activities of the French National Honor Society include three hours of tutoring in French each year, and participating in three school activities and one service project.