With an average class size of 18, Connelly offers a highly personal approach to education which
encourages independent thinking and responsible decision making. Connelly's caring and committed
faculty strives to engage each student's intellectual curiosity, and to challenge each student to test her
abilities. As a result, 93% take the ACT or the SAT, and scores are among the highest in
Southern California.
Critical SAT ACT
Reading Math Writing Composite
Connelly Average 554 509 557 23
California Average 496** 497** 501** 22.2*
National Average** 500** 500** 501** 21.1*
*Source: ACT, male and female students
**Source: College Board, female students only.
87% of Connelly students are
University of
California/California State University eligible.
100% of students who apply are accepted by 4-year universities.
New 2008/09 Daily Bell Schedules:
Daily Class Schedule: Special Assembly: Weekly Assembly: Early Dismissal:
1st Blk 8:15 - 9:10 1st Blk 8:15 - 9:05 1st Blk 8:15 - 9:10 1st Blk 8:15 - 9:05
2nd Blk 9:15 - 10:10 2nd Blk 9:10 - 10:00 2nd Blk 9:15- 10:10 2nd Blk 9:10 - 10:00
ADV/BK 10:15- 10:35 Break 10:05- 10:15 Break 10:15-10:30 Break 10:05-10:15
3rd Blk 10:40- 11:35 3rd Blk 10:20- 11:10 3rd Blk 10:35-11:30 3rd Blk 10:20-11:10
4th Blk 11:40- 12:35 4th Blk 11:15- 12:05 4th Blk 11:35- 12:30 4th Blk 11:15 - 12:05
Lunch 12:40- 1:15 Lunch 12:10- 12:45 Lunch 12:35- 1:10 Break 12:10- 12:20
5th Blk 1:20- 2:35 Asmbly 12:50 -1:45 Asmbly 1:15- 1:40 5th Blk 12:25- 1:15
Conf. 2:35- 3:00 5th Blk 1:50- 3:00 5th Blk 1:45 - 3:00
Mass Schedule (No more than 1 time a month)
1st. Blk 8:15 - 9:00
2nd Blk 9:05 - 10:00
BRK 10:05 - 10:15
3rd Blk 10:20 - 11:10 Click here to print a copy of the schedule
MASS 11:15 - 12:10
Lunch 12:15 - 12:50
4th Blk 12:55 1:45
5th Blk 1:50 - 3:00
www.edline.net for online grading and class information.