An Investment in the Future
Any investment, be it personal or financial, in a young woman's education is an investment in her future. Connelly families place their daughter's education as a priority not only in their commitment of time, but also in their budgeting of financial resources. By selecting Connelly, you have chosen to make an investment in your daughter's future by providing her a holistic education in a very personal setting.
Tuition and Scholarships
Annual Cost 2008/2009
- Tuition: $11,700. - Scholarships and Tuition Assistance Available
- Student Life Fee: $300
- Registration (before April 15th): $600
- Late Registration: $800
- Books/Uniform: $500 (approx.)
Cornelia Connelly School offers merit-based scholarships to incoming ninth grade students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievements, leadership, community service, and character.
Scholarship Program 2008-2009
- The Cornelian Scholarship
- The Coletta Merritt Scholarship for Excellence
- The Connelly English Scholarship
- The Connelly Leadership Scholarship
- The Connelly Math Scholarship
- The Connelly Performing Arts Scholarship
- The Connelly Science Scholarship
- The Connelly Community Service Scholarship
- The Connelly Visual Arts Scholarship
In order to qualify for a scholarship, students must submit an Application for Admission to Connelly High School by the "Early Decision" deadline and take the High School Entrance Exam at Connelly on Saturday, January 17, 2009. Scholarship information packets and eligibility guidelines are available through the Admissions Office.
The Tuition Gap
Every effort is made to keep Connelly's tuition within a reasonable and feasible range. As a result, the annual tuition is approximately $2,500 less than the actual cost of educating each student. During Connelly's Annual Giving Program, each family is asked to make a tax-deductible contribution of any denomination in order to help offset this "tuition gap," which, in essence, provides each Connelly family with a type of financial aid.