NOW AVAILABLE!!! Beginning Choir (Vocal Ensemble)
This course is designed to give the female vocal instrument its special environment to grow and mature. Within the context of a traditional classroom environment there will be direct individual voice instruction as well as group lessons. It will also give every student the opportunity to learn more about singing and develop the voice through the performance of a variety of styles of music. When appropriate, this ensemble will join with the Freshman Choir and Women's Ensemble in concerts and other functions. This learning experience requires mandatory attendance at all school performances. Any performances, such as liturgies, festivals, or tours will be addressed as they occur and will be accepted by vote of the ensemble.
Freshman Choir
This choir is designed to enhance the Art Foundation course at Connelly. This ensemble will provide the platform for each student to explore basic vocal technique, music reading skills, literature exploration and performance.
Women's Ensemble
This course is designed to give the advanced student an experience in performance techniques and styles in a variety of music. There is an immense time commitment necessary to succeed in this course. There are Monday evening rehearsals nearly every week of school, in addition to dress rehearsals, concerts and festivals. These activities take a great deal of time and energy. A major focus will be on the emphasis of stylistic performances of difficult choral literature from all historical periods with appropriate accompaniment. This is a performance-oriented ensemble and all scheduled performances are mandatory.
Liturgical Ensemble
This is a non-academic course for up to eight students wanting to explore, in-depth, the Liturgical aspect of music. As there is specific application of these techniques (our own Liturgies) we will study Catholic music history and traditions. Liturgical documents will be studied and discussed. However, since this is a performance oriented ensemble each student will have specific musical assignments including (but not limited to), learning their specific part, assisting in the selection of Mass music, researching literature, and developing musical talents. This group will have rehearsals and performances as is convenient for all involved.
Chamber Singers
This non-academic course is designed to give the advanced student an experience in performance techniques and styles in a variety of music through the format of the mixed ensemble. Dependant upon interest, the ensemble will be formed within the first few weeks of school. All rehearsals and performances will be agreed on by the ensemble.
Caroling Group
During the Christmas season, organizations will ask for seasonal performances and this will be an opportunity to represent Connelly. This group will be organized on an as needed basis to fulfill these opportunities. This group will meet to learn literature (carols) and perform as is convenient for all involved.