
Parents Association Fundraising
Here are eight easy ways to help us fundraise!
- Shop Amazon.com using the following link. Use this link every time you shop on Amazon.com and Connelly will get 4% of your purchase. Remember this the next time your daughter needs a new text book!
- Register your Albertson's loyalty card to Connelly. Give us your Albertson's card number and we will register for you. Click here to download a form to turn in to the school office. You can also register yourself online at http://www.albertsons.com/cp. Our ID number is 49000117344.
- Register your Ralph's loyalty card to Connelly. Give us your Ralph's card number and we will register for you. Click here to download a form to turn in to the school office. You can also register yourself online at http://www.ralphs.com/ccprogram.htm. Our NPO number is 81808.
- Sign up with eScrip.com. Register your various grocery and store cards with eScrip.com and Connelly will earn 1-4% of more of your purchases. Click here to go to eScrip.com! Our eScrip ID number is 6491552.
- Bring us your used ink jet cartridges. Place your used ink jet cartridges inside an envelope, paper bag or Ziploc bag to prevent spills and turn them into the school office.
- Bring us your empty toner cartridges. Place your toner cartridge in its original manufacturer's box and turn it into the school office. If you have very large toner cartridges or more than 5 boxes, you don't have to bring them to the school. Instead, bring us a list of the manufacturer(s), model number(s) and quantity. Within 10 days we will arrange for a pick up at your home or office. Click here forĀ a list of accepted toner cartridges.
- Bring us your old cell phones. All used cell phones are accepted. Chargers and headsets are not needed. We can earn $10 - $25 per cell phone!
- Register your Target Guest Card with Connelly. If you don't already have a Target Guest Card, sign up for one at any Target store. With your card in hand, call 1-800-316-6142 and sign up to have Connelly receive the donation. Connelly will earn 1% of your purchases. Our Target store ID number is 3152.
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