Welcome to Cornelia Connelly School - the place "where everyone really does know your name." Connelly is known for its academic excellence but it doesn't stop there. Connelly empowers young women to be self-confident in all that they do. They are athletes, cheerleaders, artists, actresses, Mock Trial and Junior State of America award winners, musicians, singers, retreat leaders and community volunteers. Yes, Connelly is a small school, and it is so by choice. Each of our young women can stand out and be a leader in the many activities that are offered.
Our classes are small. Our course offerings are varied and challenging. Our faculty is caring and competent. In this setting, our students learn to write well and speak with confidence. When our young women graduate from Connelly, they represent well the Connelly philosophy - a philosophy that promotes the full development of young women capable of making choices that enrich their own lives and contribute to the lives of others.
Cornelia Connelly School is committed to the educational mission of the Catholic Church through the philosophy and spirituality of Cornelia Connelly. All that we do at Connelly is centered on spiritual and moral values. We educate young women of faith and integrity.
Come and visit Connelly. You will find classrooms situated among beautiful gardens. You will find students who respect and value religious and cultural diversity, and know how to study hard, pray together and have fun!
Sr. Francine Gunther, SHCJ
Head of School